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Dedicated Project team (Labor model) – The optimal business solution for businesses

1. What is a Dedicated Project team?

Dedicated Project team – also known as Labor Development is a form of hiring an elite team of engineers abroad for a certain period of time. This team will focus on developing software for a long-term project.

(Teams will be arranged to sit together according to the project for easy exchange)

2. What function does the Labor model have?

With the Labor model, companies appoint project managers and key personnel to work full-time until the project is finished.

The recruited personnel will have the appropriate experience background for each different project. Project officers often work in an environment that is separate from the company’s operations.

3. When to choose the Labor model?

This type is suitable for customers who are looking for a stable, professional and highly qualified offshore team with a lot of development experience. The client has full control over the development related to the project.

This type will apply cost calculation based on the number of human resources used for project development in a month. Therefore, this type is suitable for projects with complex requirements.

When enterprises have important research and development projects for new products, they should choose the Labor model.

4. Advantages
  • Coordination of project activities is simpler

The potential of the resources has been appropriately allocated according to the requirements of the project. Therefore, it is simpler to organize and manage project activities without being dependent on parts of the parent company.

  • The project is done fast

The project implementation time is short because the members are dedicated to the project and the related issues are quickly decided.

  • High cohesion

The members share the same goals and motivation to work together when implementing the project.

  • Experience the offshore model with minimal risk

Customers can freely assign to the engineers they choose any job.

Easily meet new requirements, system change requirements, training programs based on customer orders.

gumi Solutions is a provider of Dedicated Project team – a professional Labor model. gumi has more than 10 years of experience in implementing Labor projects in the Japanese market and has received long-term trust from customers.

At gumi Solutions, the Labor project team includes Japanese and Vietnamese members. Therefore, the problem of communicating information will be easier.

Benefits of cooperating with gumi:

  • Capturing a rich source of IT engineers

It is possible to choose elite engineers with experience in developing web, mobile apps, games.

The project team can be fixed for a long time. Thanks to that, it is possible to build stable development processes and apparatus.

  • Japanese language support

If the customer can only speak Japanese, gumi will have a Japanese IT comtor to assist. Furthermore, all engineers at gumi can converse in English.

  • Core competencies to specialize in building quality systems for businesses

The gumi team can respond flexibly when there is a change in requirements or change in priority order as well as develop more functions during project implementation.

The Labor model is used by gumi to advise clients in many different technology fields. If you want to learn more about the business model, don’t hesitate to contact gumi!

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